Innovation Day

Develop innovative ideas for your customer dialogue

Are you looking for innovative service ideas? Visit our Innovation Day on the day before the CCW Conference. Leading experts will show you in one compact day how to react to changes quickly and flexibly and become a real game changer in your organization. 

At the CCW Innovation Day you will quickly find new sources of innovation. 

What are you waiting for? 

Follow in the footsteps pf Berlin's Service Champions

As a dyed-in-the-wool Berliner, our Innovation Day presenter Antje Sawitzki will take you on a journey through her beloved hometown. 

What if Berlin were not only the federal capital but also the service capital? Is that something you couldn’t imagine? 

Get to see Berlin’s foremost sights on a fun bus tour – no aching feet at the end! Accompanied by anecdotes and stories about "Service in Berlin" in the local dialect, we’re sure you’ll soon be charmed by the capital! 

Your Tour Guide

Antje Sawitzki
Head of Transgourmet Competence Centre/System Customer Service
Transgourmet Deutschland GmbH &Co. OHG

Innovation Day 2024 Schedule



Innovation Day

Expertin Antje Sawitzki

Changing working environments – new service requirements, new technologies, new opportunities!


Antje Sawitzki | Transgourmet Deutschland GmbH & Co. OHG



Innovation Day, Keynote

Experte Evangelos Avramakis

Industry in transition - how AI and connectivity are redefining the rules of the game



Innovation Day

Experte Thorsten Hartig

The modern contact center - challenges and opportunities in design

Thorsten Hartig | Konzern Versicherungskammer



Innovation Day

Experte Thomas Graf

Future skills in the digital world

Thomas Graf | Athletic Sport Sponsoring GmbH (



Innovation Day

Expertin Melanie Bielefeld
Experte Thorsten Hartig
Expertin Corinna Kaussen
Experte Lars Lindner

Between aspiration and reality - how can we become an attractive employer?

Expert panel

Melanie Bielefeld | TUI Customer Operations GmbH
Thorsten Hartig | Konzern Versicherungskammer
Corinna Kaussen | Digital Dialog GmbH (Rheinische Post Mediengruppe)
Lars Lindner | Förde Sparkasse



Innovation Day

Experte Tobias Erhardt

Taking the customer with you in service innovations - optimizing the customer journey through self-service

Tobias Erhardt | HERMA GmbH



Innovation Day

Experte Stefan Plewa
Experte Jonathan Zaiß
Experte Sascha Poggemann

DHL brings AI to the contact center - a success story

Stefan Plewa | DHL Post & Parcel Germany
Jonathan Zaiß | DHL Post & Parcel Germany



Innovation Day

Departure for the live tours

Experience the working world of the future live



Innovation Day

CCW Wine & Talk in the world of experience - the next experience Design by HCD

Your Contact for questions about CCW Conference

Stephan Wolf | Leiter Kundenservice

Stephan Wolf
Head of Customer Service

Phone:       +49 6196 4722-800

Stephan Wolf has been the face for Management Circle customers since 2002. As a dedicated team leader of our customer service, the enthusiastic swimmer is happy to answer your questions every day anew.

© Management Circle AG 2025