Experte Prof. Dr. Klemens Skibicki

Prof. Dr. Klemens Skibicki

Managing Partner | PROFSKI GmbH

You can't hear "digital transformation" anymore? Then you haven't heard it yet. Hardly anyone reports so entertainingly, impressively and honestly about why we need it and how it brings companies closer to the customer - this digital transformation.

Experience one of the most exciting talks on digital transformation you have ever heard!
Klemens Skibicki has been Professor of Marketing at the Cologne Business School since 2004 with a research focus on digital transformation. He uses this knowledge with his PROFSKI management consultancy with well-known medium-sized and large companies to guide them through the digital structural change. Since 2013, Professor Skibicki has been a member of the "young digital economy" advisory board at the German Federal Ministry of Economics, and since 2015 he has also been a digital ambassador for the North Rhine-Westphalia Minister of Economics. He has also invested in various digital start-ups.

“Everyone is talking about AI, many with enthusiasm, many with fear - and you're supposed to listen to an economic historian of all people for clues?...Yes!”

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Main Conference

There is no turning back! Or is there? Where are customer expectations heading in the age of AI?

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