CEO | QNova Solutions GmbH
"Tayloristic processing and independent contact channels are still standard in most German service centers. In recent years, cost-cutting and efficiency requirements have also led to investments in poorly designed voice dialog systems and bot solutions. Fortunately, a change in thinking is increasingly noticeable. Success rates in sales are multiplying. So it is no longer about the quick handling of contacts in tight AHTs but about a real dedication to the customer. The channels no longer play a role and are completely interlocked. Technically a business intelligence from which all (digital) channels are controlled. Artificial intelligence supports processes and employees and not primarily customers. If we manage to automatically recognize in advance who the customer is who is contacting us and what they are looking for, we will have mastered other important steps."
Rainer Wilmers has over 20 years of management experience in customer service. He is CEO at QNova Solutions GmbH and previously worked at the Generali Group. In addition to sales topics, he is particularly interested in the use of artificial intelligence to inspire customers in service.