Logo CCV
Stand: H14 · Hall: 3

Customer Service & Call Center Verband Deutschland e.V. (CCV)

The Customer Service & Call Center Verband Deutschland e. V. (CCV) is the voice of the German customer service and call centre industry and its service providers. The industry, which employs over 560,000 people and has a turnover of 13 billion euros, includes independent customer service and call centres in companies. With its member companies, the CCV represents leading customer service and call centres from the retail, finance, industry and service sectors. As the largest association in this sector, it represents the interests vis-à-vis the media and politics and is a recognised platform within the industry for the exchange of specialist information. The CCV also offers an extensive network for the best industry contacts.

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President, Legal and Regulatory Affairs | Call Center Verband Deutschland e.V.

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